
Showing posts from December, 2015

We can all be enticed by the dark side

Many people are shocked by the characters that “turn bad” or go over to the dark side. Even I find myself wondering what could happen in a person’s life that would make them turn on their family, but then I look at what we place value on in society. We praise people who make lots of money. We value power, possessions, control and money. That ultimately is what the people are enticed by when they begin to make the choices of evil over good. We can all be enticed by the dark side.…/susan-marie-schulhof/id613849093……

Be thankful

Buddha said, "Let us rise up and be thankful,  for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die;  so, let us all be thankful ."  It is so easy to look at others and feel envious of all that they have, but no one can see areas they feel empty.  I have a gratitude journal that I write in often, not daily, when I need to shift the focus from what I am lacking in life to what I have in life. I try to stay thankful.…/susan-marie-schulhof/id613849093……

Create life

Abraham Lincoln said, " Most folks are about as  happy  as they make up their  minds  to be."     While it is true that we can't control how others behave, you can decide how you will respond. Because our minds, thoughts and words create our reality, we can determine our own experience and the meaning we assign it. Can we choose happiness and peace no matter what life is sending our way?