Can we create our future?

A few months ago, my friend, Joao, told me about a great experience he and his husband had, and he felt like I too would enjoy it. I am very spiritual, and love to meditate and feel close to God and the universe, but I have never attended this type of retreat before. I have been on a day retreat and even chaperoned my daughter’s confirmation retreat overnight, but this one was a whole weekend. It was called “Manifesting your Desires” and was lead by Elias Patras . It was an amazing, transformational and unexplainable experience. These are the 3 things I learned on the retreat: 1. I have a lot of beliefs that are limiting my ability to achieve my dreams. As we conducted a variety of exercises to uncover what was blocking us from reaching our desires, a pattern of unconscious beliefs emerged. Before this retreat, I never would have thought that I felt this way. One of our tasks was to create a nature vision board to help understand our dreams and to be...