
Showing posts from 2015

We can all be enticed by the dark side

Many people are shocked by the characters that ā€œturn badā€ or go over to the dark side. Even I find myself wondering what could happen in a personā€™s life that would make them turn on their family, but then I look at what we place value on in society. We praise people who make lots of money. We value power, possessions, control and money. That ultimately is what the people are enticed by when they begin to make the choices of evil over good. We can all be enticed by the dark side.ā€¦/susan-marie-schulhof/id613849093ā€¦ā€¦

Be thankful

Buddha said, "Let us rise up and be thankful,  for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die;  so, let us all be thankful ."  It is so easy to look at others and feel envious of all that they have, but no one can see areas they feel empty.  I have a gratitude journal that I write in often, not daily, when I need to shift the focus from what I am lacking in life to what I have in life. I try to stay thankful.ā€¦/susan-marie-schulhof/id613849093ā€¦ā€¦

Create life

Abraham Lincoln said, " Most folks are about as  happy  as they make up their  minds  to be."     While it is true that we can't control how others behave, you can decide how you will respond. Because our minds, thoughts and words create our reality, we can determine our own experience and the meaning we assign it. Can we choose happiness and peace no matter what life is sending our way?

I love getting lost

   Although I enjoy hiking, hanging out with my loves ones and writing, there is nothing like getting lost in a good book. Since I was a little girl, I have been an avid reader. I often wish that I had a list of every book that I have ever read. I also wonder what the very first chapter book I read was. Hours can fly by when I let myself enter the pages. I love getting lost....

Life is...

I don't think that faith is as simple as some people want it to be. It is difficult to understand why people die; why people suffer, and why people hurt others. I question how mean people can have abundance in their life, but I do believe. Life is messy; life is complicated; life can be painful; life can be beautiful. It can be sad and it can be joyful, but it is in that space that I live.

What am I being?

   Now that my girls are grown and I am no longer an infant teacher, at times I feel like life is so unimportant. I just go through my days working, eating, sleeping and spending a little time with my loved ones. What is the purpose? Why am I alive? At work, I try to make a difference by supporting the teachers I oversee; I volunteer at my church and organize the Bright Space Volunteer Program through work, but it doesn't feel like enough.    I was running errands today when the thought came to me that it only matters that I am trying, and what is important is what I am BEING while I go through my days. This isn't a new concept to me, but I needed the reminder. If I feel sad or if I am resentful t hat there isn't enough time in my days to do more, then I am BEING negative. I want to be joyful and grateful instead. I think it is time to start my gratitude journal again! Thank you for these negative feelings that made me remember to be thankful. http://www.amazo...

How to love your job

I am working on my training about how to love your job, and reflecting in how true this quote from Shakti Gawain is...  "When you're following your energy..., the distinction between  work  and  play  dissolves."

Dreams can come true

So excited to start the next chapter of my life!  ā€Ŗ#ā€Ž lifegoalsā€¬ My life goals in 2013 were: 1. Write and publish a fiction book (Done 2014) 2. Travel and hike -Grand Canyon (Done 2014) -Yellowstone -Italy -Australia 3. Inspire, mentor and/or teach others (In 2016!)

What do you really want?

    How do we know what our deepest desires are? I was at an event where the speaker asked us, "If God asked you right now what you want, what would you say?" At first I thought that was an easy question, but then I realized a few things. First off, what I want has changed over the years. Before my children were born, I would have begged for children and a family. Then once I was a mother, I probably would have asked God for just a little time for myself, just to go for a run or read a book. So now as I get older and my daughters are in college and graduating, what would I ask for today? Which brings me to my next thought. W ould my request need to be solely for me? Everyone has their own free will and choices, so can I ask for happiness and joy for my daughters? What if my choices for them aren't their choices for themselves. Could I ask God for what I want for them? If I need to ask just for myself, what would I say?  I would like to pursue my dreams, but specifica...

No perfection

   I read a motivational quote recently that stated that we should all strive for continuous improvement, instead of looking to be perfect . I felt uplifted by that, yet as I reflected on it, I could not understand how to apply it to life. Who decides what can be labeled "improvement"? What degree of improvement is enough? How do we aim for improvement if we aren't striving to be perfect? I don't want to make mistakes. I want to be the best person that I can be. I want others as well as myself to succeed, but I have more understanding when others mess up than I am on myself.    I know that rationally no one nor anything can be perfect yet that is what I want for myself.

Suppression book by Susan Marie Schulhof

    Suppression is a futuristic novel set in 2135, during a period of time when humankind is making major advances in communicating with one another and even traveling through thoughts alone. Twenty-four year old, Peyton Milner, lives with her parents and her brother in one of the few civilizations remaining and thriving in what is left of America after everything and everyone was almost obliterated by war. Peyton has been raised to place vast significance  on oneā€™s intelligence and the power of reasoning and logic in all decisions. She has a plan and purpose for her life until she and her best friend, Reese, wander into a local Art Gallery where she meets Dallas. She is drawn to him and to the sunsets he paints in ways that she canā€™t describe, ways that contradict all common sense and rationale.

Find purpose and meaning

    I have been struggling for years to understand the purpose and meaning of my life? Why am I here? What am I suppose to be doing? I love being a mom, but my daughters are all grown. I enjoyed being an infant teacher for thirteen years, but I was ready for a promotion. I get satisfaction and pleasure from being an Education Coordinator, but is this my purpose ? Is this what I am suppose to be doing with my days? As I was walking out of a meeting today, it occurred to me that possibly, I am putting too much pressure on my family, as well as my career to be more than it is intended to be. Although there are many people whose purpose and career are aligned, does it need to be? Maybe my career just provides the means for me to pay the bills, so that perhaps I can discover and do my true purpose. I am taking the pressure off, and relaxing into the moment of now.

Excerpt of Suppression by Susan Marie Schulhof

Friday December 31, 2134    I look at the gray envelope with the dark red ink in my hand. It was delivered one week ago to everyone over the age of sixteen. I turn it over and over in my hand looking at the front and at the back for any marking that I might have missed, as I have done, every day since I received it. On the front of the envelope is printed simply: Peyton Milner 100 Year Celebration of World Unification Do not open until January 1, 2135 when instructed

Take the good with the challenges

   Let's reframe the phrase, "Take the good with the bad." Why do we need to define events and situations in our lives as bad? Just like other people, I have definitely had my ups and downs in my life. The times that would be defined as "the good" would be my wedding, my three children, traveling, a close family, as well as my writing my books. What could I define as "the bad"? In many ways, the same exact situations would be the bad. I ended up divorced; I worry about my children; there are always problems when traveling; maintaining a close family takes work and at times sorrow, and writing surely has it's joys and despair. These "bad" situations, events and even so called "evil" people have taught me so much about life, about others as well as about myself. How can I label anything as bad or evil if it produces so much good? Instead, in the future, I choose to "Take the good with the challenges." https://...

Life is lived in the little things

    Recently, I was reading a letter from my pen pal who is in prison. We had been writing about our summertime past times, and he said that he is used to being in prison now, but that he misses just going out on his father's boat, fishing with him. Often people talk about that on our death bed. They say that we will never wish that we worked more or spent more time away from our families, yet it is more than that. Life is lived in the little things. My hope is that I can remember that in my life and enjoy those simple moments with my family and even in my work.

What is your bait?

   At Willow Creek Community Church tonight Steve Carter spoke about temptations. He asked us to think about what our bait is? What in life pulls your focus off of God? Many people have behaviors and habits that keep them from God and even prevent them from being happy. As I thought about my life, I realized that it is good times and success that lures me away from church, prayer and ultimately God. Like some people are fair-weather friends, I am a bad weather friend to God. When my life is going well, and I am happy, then I forget to pray; I am too busy for church, and I ignore God and his promptings. Then when life is heading in the wrong direction, or I am confronted with sorrow and challenges, I wonder where God is and why he has deserted me. Are you like me or are there other things that lure you away from your faith?

Future life

I can finally fall asleep with that future life in my thoughts. As I drift off, I think that even though I am scared, this has been a great day...    

Riding Waves Book

Riding Waves is a book about learning to navigate the joys and trials of growing up, falling in love and going to college. When Harper's relationship with Dan s tarts taking her down a path she doesn't like, she will have to make some hard choices. Can Harper ride the waves of life or will they take her under?

Being lost

   Don't we assume that a homeless person or even a very poor person must be spiritually lost to be living this way? Also don't we think that a person with success and money must be walking the righteous path with God and be in His favor to receive such a life? That is not my experience in my own life though. There have been times of abundance in my life, yet I was spiritually lost and floundering for any purpose and meaning. Now I am praying daily and looking to God, yet struggling to pay my bills and to have meaning and direction in my life. One can be found and still struggle.  One can be lost yet still appear to have earthly success.

Walk by faith

   What does it mean to walk by faith? Do I read the bible daily? How do I follow Christ? Walking by faith is an individual journey since no one else has the same experiences and circumstances as you do. Each of our journey's though, should lead us to trust in the goodness of God; of a life bigger than we can imagine for ourselves.

How will you be remembered?

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." -White Elk   How will you be remembered? What will you leave the world?

Everything changes in life

Although we can't change the things that we did in the past, we have the power to change the future. Too many people get stuck on the past, feeling like they are defined by it. I have come to understand that one true fact about life is that everything changes.

Your heart is revealed in your words

"What is in your heart, will be revealed in your words," Bryan Jones, a Pastor at Willow Creek Church, said in a message he gave at Midweek.He spoke about the impact our words have on other people either in a positive or a negative way. I n the bible Jesus says that what you say will reflect what is in your heart. You can't say mean things about or to others and have goodness in your heart. Have goodness so you speak goodness.

Growing Flowers by Susan Marie Schulhof (excerpt)

Excerpt from Growing Flowers Sunday July 31, 2011    I head downstairs and grab a bowl of Apple Jacks, my favorite, as I turn on my computer to see what I missed while I was sleeping when my mom walks in the back door.    ā€œMorning sleepy head,ā€ she laughs.    ā€œWhat? It is still morning at least,ā€ I respond as I see that it is actually after eleven.    ā€œHow late did you stay up last night?ā€    ā€œI donā€™t know probably three,ā€ I mumble.    ā€œWhat did you do that late?ā€ she asks as she pours herself another cup of coffee.    ā€œLook at what everyone, that doesnā€™t have a curfew, posts about what they are out doing.ā€    ā€œOh, sure Lily. I forgot that you are the only one with a curfew.ā€    ā€œNo, just the only college student with a curfew,ā€ I mumble again.    ā€œCome help me in the garden when you finish eating. You used to love helping me in the garden,ā€ she says as she g...