Most success comes from a team effort

     Babe Ruth was quoted as saying, "You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." I have been at Chicago Cubs games where one player had hit after hit, yet never scored. He needed the other players to bring him home. My daughters all played on their Homecoming Powder Puff games where each team had over 200 players. Each group took the field for only 4 downs; obviously those wins took a team effort. In addition, during their years in the Barrington School district, they have had many assignments where they had to work together in a group to receive a good grade. At times they complained when one person did not do their share, but I thought that it was a great skill for the school to teach. Most careers in their future will entail working with others often, if not all of the time. I, myself, have been working with my co-teacher, Jenny, for over 12 years in an Infant classroom for Bright Horizons Family Solutions. People constantly remark how well run our classroom is, how the children are so happy and how we get all of our work done. How is that possible? Through teamwork. Most success comes from a team effort, whether it is a team of 200 or a team of 2.

Read my words and see my quotes at
