Even if you are on the right track, make sure you are moving forward

      The quote by Will Rogers states, "Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there." Although you might not get run over, you also won't achieve your goals if you don't move. When I started this blog 39 days ago, I wrote down 3 goals that I wanted to achieve. 
They were, in short:
1. Write and publish a fiction book
2. Travel and hike
3. Inspire and mentor/teach others
I have written 35,000 words of Riding Waves, and Jim and I are thinking about planning a trip to the Grand Canyon next summer. Hopefully, I am inspiring some people that read my words and see my quotes; plus I am training other infant teachers for Bright Horizons Family Solutions, so I believe that I am at least on the right track. Now what? How do I make sure that I am moving forward? I know that wishing won't make my goals happen so I need to set some smaller goals and put some time constraints so that I can measure my success and make sure that I am, indeed, heading towards achieving my goals. Did you set goals for yourself this year? If so, are you stopped or are you moving forward? If you didn't set any, think of at least one or two goals now and move towards them with me. Remember that these are life goals that you would regret if you never achieved them!

Read my words and see my quotes at
