Do not be afraid to explore in life

    "In wisdom gathered over time, I have found that every experience is a form of exploration."
                                                               -Ansel Adams
    Ansel Adams was a photographer and environmentalist known for his black and white photographs of nature. I can agree with his quote about experiences being a form of exploration. While exploration is defined as the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it; experience is the process of having things happen to you. It makes sense that all of life is an exploration, but sometimes we continue to only explore known situations. The picture above, with the quote, was taken many years ago at Starved Rock State Park in Illinois. I remember the first time that I went there with my children, we all loved it. I have went back many times over the years, and I have brought others with me so that maybe they could feel the wonder that my daughters and I experienced there. I do not hike as often as I would like to, but this form of exploration gave me a new and wondrous experience in my life that I want to continue having. Do not be afraid to explore in life; maybe you will discover something that you love to do.
