Feel sympathy not pity

        "There is nothing sweeter than to be sympathized with."
                                                              -George Santayana
       My father died in the year of 2000 at the age of 55. When people hear that they feel sad for me. Sympathy I can accept but not one's pity. Sympathy and pity's definitions are very similar yet I think of pity as a negative reaction to someone's sorrow. I do not want people to pity me and look down on my misfortune. He was a great father, and I really enjoyed being around him. Many people are not as fortunate as I am. It is sad, and I can understand when people feel sympathetic that a wonderful father died at such a young age. No one needs to pity me though since I am lucky, as well as grateful, that I had him in my life as long as I did. When I learn of other people's misfortunes, I try to feel only sympathy, not pity.
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