See life differently

     "We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other loves, other souls," as said by Anais Nin who was an American author. If I were to win the lottery, I would want to see the world since I really enjoy traveling. There are places that I have been, and places that I want to see. Except for reasons of convenience, there are few places I would like to go to again, even though some of the spots I adored. I am not like people who want to vacation in the same city time and time again. There are so many different sights, countries and islands that I want to see so I would never choose a place I have already been to. I want to see all of the world and "to seek other souls" as the quote states. I enjoy seeing how different people live and meeting others. Even though at times I am saddened by the conditions I see, I choose not to judge their life or their lessons. I want to broaden my views and see life differently.

Read my words and see my quotes
