The more we get, the more we want

     Franz Kafka was a German novelist that died in 1924 and was quoted as saying, "I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things." I obviously was not alive in 1924, but if I had to surmise, I would say that there were less objects to buy back then than there is today. There are more clothes, more gadgets and even more stores now. I have often told my daughters and friends that I do not want to even go to the mall so that I am not tempted to spend money that I do not have. Window shopping holds no interest for me. I do however love to look through magazines and take pictures or "pin" objects I would want to buy or receive as gifts. That too though just makes me want what I don't have. I have heard that the more money you have, the more you will spend. I suppose that it makes sense that if you earn more, you perhaps would feel more entitled to buy the clothes, shoes, home goods that you covet. Perhaps it is true that the more we get, the more we want.
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