Step out of your comfort zone

     There are numerous quotes regarding the need to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Even the actor Ashton Kutcher was quoted as saying, "I'm continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone. As long as you're uncomfortable, it means that you are growing." Your comfort zone is a where you feel secure and in control. Where do I feel most comfortable? I am pretty content as a mother, as a teacher, in the city and in the country. I am taking the least amount of risks when I write, but where I feel discomfort is having tough discussions with others. Even when I was little, I would write my mother a note instead of just asking her something. I definitely do not like confrontation either, so I often avoid that, sometimes at all costs. Going to events where I don't know anyone would also be outside of my comfort zone. Once I know someone, I will talk and talk and talk, but I get anxious speaking to new people. My fiance, Jim, and my mother, Barbara, can have a conversation with anyone and never seem nervous. Another area I am not secure in would be traveling alone. I love to travel, but I would be tense if I was traveling alone. Sometimes, just forcing myself to do what make me anxious helps to make me feel less nervous, but I don't do that very often. Since I want to grow as a person, instead of avoiding these areas, I want to feel uncomfortable more often, to step out of my comfort zone.
